Sunday, December 30, 2012

Dec 30, 2012

Mary from our YOSH QOV group presented this quilt to the her father in law on Christmas day.  Her father in law is 96 and served in WWII.  I love this photo.....

This is what it is all about,  joy, warmth, love and happiness! Our group presented 123 quilts this year. Yippeeeee...

Thanks for looking.

Dec 30, 2012 Bracelets

I took a little break from quilting to work on some bracelets. The pink and green one are going to my sister.  I need to make a blue one to wear with my jeans. 

The red one is for a dear friend of mine. I sure hope she likes it.

Have a safe new year!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Dec 25, 2012

Merry Christmas ! Stayed up late last night hand sewing the binding on this quilt.  These are QOV orphan blocks. These were made by Gene from Florida, he made enough to do 2 quilts.  This is the second quilt we have made from his blocks.  The scrappy stars were made by sewing random angles on the sashing pieces.  Sue did the quilting in a overall pattern of stars.

I love the material on the back of the quilt also.

Have a Blessed Christmas and New Year.