Odds and Ends

December 25, 2012
Winter wonderland
A few days ago we got a beautiful snow storm, I had to share this photo.
I love the country
Nov 5, 2012
I got up this morning about 6:30 looking forward to a nice cup of coffee.  Looking out the window at the frosty world, this is what I see.

What a site. I love the country.
The Rest of the Peeps
Aug 26, 2012
You met the first 3 chickens we got from our son's friend on the post below. My friend Tami had some chickens set a side for us.
The 3 amigos


We had all the chickens for about month, then I went and picked up the kittens at Tami's. Most of the white leghorns she gave us were roosters. yikes. So when I picked upt he kittens she gave us 2 hens that are laying, Gladys is not laying yet she is to young. The 2 hens we got are cinnamon and spice.



Tami and I were in the barn with the goats and the kittens when we saw her polish hen, this poor girl was not fitting in with Tami's flock so I got to take her home to.
This is Carmen, named after Carmin Maranda. I know my age is showing. LOL

When Tami first got her she had no feathers on her head, those have all grown back. She is still missing some feathers on her back and tail, but those are growing back nicely also.

Currently we have 12 chickens 4 of them are hens and the younger ones we are not sure what they will be.
Hope you enjoyed meeting the new fam.
Meet the Peeps
August 23, 2012
What a beautiful day. I am sitting out on my deck putting this blog together so you can meet some of our new family members.

Frick and Frack are our new kittens, My friend Tami has a farm and one of her barn cats had kittens, I couldn't resist taking a couple home.

Frick 9 weeks old


here is the tricky part. I am trying to teach them to not chase my chickens. So far so good.

We decided to get some chickens so we would have fresh eggs. One of my sons friends had 3 chickens he didn't want so I took them in. They are Americana's, I got 2 roosters and a hen. Hmmm, not heading in the right direction with the roosters, but one hen = 1 egg.

This is Diego - King rooster, Isn't he handsome
Leroy - I think this is Diego's brother
This is Gladys

These were the first 3 we had - we have had them for about 2 months and she just started laying a couple of weeks ago. I will introduce you to the rest on my next post. Bye.
The other day we had a surprise land in the field next to us.

This was the first time I had seen these in real life, they are huge. I think this was a tour group, they had some issues so they landed in field.  It was interesting how they deflate, roll and load the balloon. Very Cool.

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